POW series have been continuously and successfully presented for years.

2014/10/18: Interferometric Surface Measurement workshop

2015/03/16 and 18: Best Practices for Scientific Software workshop

2015/04/07: Designing with Off-The-Shelf Optics workshop

2015/06/16-17: Handling and Cleaning of Optics workshop

2015/06/18: Best Practices for Scientific Software workshop

2015/09/16: Optical Alignment workshop

2015/09/17: Interferometric Surface Measurement workshop

2016/01/11-12: Interferometric Surface Measurement workshop, Optical Alignment workshop, Best Practices for Scientific Software workshop, Handling and Cleaning of Optics workshop

2016 Apr – May: Optical Alignment workshop

2016/06/13-15: 3D Printing and Scanning workshop, Best practices for scientific software workshop, Handling and cleaning of optics workshop, Optical design using Zemax workshop, Telescope optics lab workshop (upcoming)


Here are some comments from actual POW attendees. We are happy to share them with you. Please, join us and add yours.

“Firstly, thank you all for the POW today. It takes a lot of preparations. And it turned out to be very nice and useful. With the exposure to the commercial products, I really gained a lot insight of the interferometric measurement in a practical way. I highly recommend this workshop to students and engineers who have fundamental knowledge of interferometry and optical testing in theory.”


“I really enjoyed the workshop. I believe that all the information covered is extremely useful for somebody interested in interferometric measurements. Relevant theoretical background and some previous experience with interferometers helped me understanding the material. Working in small groups allowed getting hands on experience, building new skills and learning from instructors tips.”


“Thanks so much for organizing the workshop. It was very informative and useful. I enjoyed it a lot and think I have a good grasp on quite a few commercial interferometers and measurement techniques after this. It was nice to get hands-on experience with everything and since we were a small group, we all got to use all the equipment. I think the duration, topics and general lay out was all very well organized and useful.”


“We all heard about the quote “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.”  and in this workshop you will get to experience it firsthand as our amazing instructors from Optical Sciences go through common mistakes, pitfalls and challenges in interferometric measurements. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to improve their hands-on, practical knowledge! “